Huge Post Jam Update

The voting phase of the game jam is over! Which means I can finally push a new update for MonkEET to fix bugs and improve existing features! This update surprisingly only took a few hours to make. Not gonna lie, I think I would've been able to add all of this to the original release within the time of the jam if I stayed awake all night (the game jam ended at 5am my time but I only had time until midnight because I needed to work the next day). But yeah, now the voting period is over and rules say I'm allowed to update again! Have fun!

Here's a list of all changes:

  • Improved level design - Fixed many areas where you would fall down way too much after messing up. Each area is now designed in a way where you can only fall down to the start of the specific area. You can still end up at the beginning again but only after messing up multiple times in a row in different areas
  • Improved visibility of some level elements - Some level elements like Lily Pads now stick out much more clearly from the terrain so you won't miss them
  • Improved interaction with some level elements - It's now easier to interact with some level elements like the trapdoors. It feels more intuitive and jumping off them less random
  • Added decoration to the terrain - The terrain isn't completely blank anymore. There's much vegetation now to decorate the world. Bushes, trees, flowers and more
  • Improved settings - You can now set the music and sound volume instead of just activating and deactivating them. There's also a new setting for toggling between fullscreen and windowed mode
  • Bugfixes - Many smaller bugs got fixed. Getting soft locked in the gravitation of some magnetic mushrooms is one of them
  • Added secret dialogue feature - It's secret. Very secret. Will only appear when streaming the game on Twitch or YouTube. Can be disabled in the settings if you don't want secret messages to appear
  • Minor changes - Changes that're not significant enough to note in the changelog. The mouse cursor got a custom sprite for example, to fit the DS aesthetic more

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